After a long journey with Covid, we’re elated to share that we are moving to a new studio in Warren, RI. We’re setting up shop in a little seaside studio, a lovely town nestled in the southern half of RI. After two kids and Covid, this move have been a long time coming. We moved right before the height of the pandemic, and during, it was almost impossible to find studio space. Well, here we are. From Brooklyn, to the small town of Peterborough, NH, and now to Warren, RI, we have a new home. We are excited for visits and to start meeting our customers face to face again. Drop us a line.
The area is reminiscent of a little Brooklyn, just trade the view of the Manhattan unobstructed sunsets. Of course, it’s much smaller, but there are some really nice restaurants, art and studio spaces, and again, the sunsets are great.

It’s a little odd going from Brooklyn, to the small town of Peterborough, NH to Warren, RI. But we are getting in the groove and the locals are very welcoming. Regarding this part of the NE coast, winters are much warmer and the summers much cooler near the water, so it’s been an easy move.
And being non-ferriers, unaccustomed to boating of any kind, it’s a nice change of scenery for us, we really liking the aesthetic.

And maybe it’s fitting. When we first came up with the name basader, we took a lot of inspiration from artist Bas Jan Ader. We wanted to be an anti-brand (not in some punk-rock way, we’re not that cool, but simply not focused on YOY growth at the expense of quality). Our name being reminiscent of what we believe to be the best example of an anti-artist, Bas Jan Ader made sense, and the name had a couple other levels of meaning for us. Of course, in his final art piece, Bas Jan Ader set sail at sea and was never to be seen again. A very simple yet moving

And while we are not believers in in the supernatural, we would love to believe that it explains whatever we captured in these photos. Maybe in a parallel universe, our favorite artist paid us a brief visit as we captured our first moving in images? Who’s to say. We like this idea, print it.

But in all seriousness, we’re ecstatic to be moving in. We look forward to all of you who have been wanting to visit. Come by, make a weekend day of it. We hope to see you soon in our new home.